Christmas Greetings and Blessings to you all. It is a Christmas like no other. In a time when we look for that uplifting, new light that breaks into a darkened world—as it should do every 25th of December—it seems that in our world today darkness pervades. This unwelcome contradiction is deeply distressing. It envelops us, and for almost a year our hearts have been weary witnesses to all the illness, sacrifices, and so, so many deaths. At a time when our longing for the uplifting spirit and warmth of brotherly love is expected to reach its peak, we experience only the tedious chill of social distancing and longed-for smiles behind mandatory masks.
Is it any wonder that we feel cold and alone this Christmas? We long for a time when the world will be normal again and like the psalmist in frustration we cry out: “Oh Lord, How long? We need you Lord; come to our assistance.”
“Help us to endure this pandemic; to keep watch for the signs of your presence, and pray for the signs of your hope. Help us to find the solidarity we seek through your love,
to see your presence in others—those most in need, the elderly and infirm, and all your beloved children. We reach out to you this Christmas. Help us to know deep down in our hearts the joy of the Gospel, that it is true and not to be doubted. Help us not to tire but to dare to be certain of your promises. Help us to feel your consolation and know that in life or death we live in your unified embrace. Christ be our light! Put new light in our hearts that we may see and brighten the lives of all. of all.
Have a Blessed and Prayerful Christmas basking in the light of God’s love.
Fr Jon P Kirby SVD
Provincial USW