The installation of the USW Provincial Leadership team 2017-2020 took place at Riverside residence on June 5, 2017 in the presence of a large number of province members. It was a simple and meaningful ceremony. After the Gospel the appointment of the Provincial and the Council members were read and were presented to the members. Soney Sebastian acknowledged and thanked the two outgoing members from the Council, Alan Jenkins and Jose Goopio for their dedication and contribution to the council and the provincial administration. He also welcomed the two new members, Doung Nguyen and Zibi.
The Mass and the ceremony were followed by social and a wonderful dinner. A big thanks to Paul Schmidt, Rector and the community members. A Special word of thanks to Melvin James and team for arranging the wonderful dinner. Thanks also to Yori Soda for leading with the music and the songs. Bishop Chacko Thottumarickal, SVD the Bishop of the Diocese of Indore also was present to bless the occasion.
Installation of the New Provincial Administration