I would like to thank everyone for your trust and confidence in me as I accept the appointment of a second term as the USW provincial. Last three years have been a great experience. It was a rather smooth sail, though there were turmoil and tempest at times. I want to thank everyone for the wholesome support. Now as we begin a new triennium I would like to request everyone’s prayer, support and teamwork. We will be beginning the election process for the provincial council members and the local superiors and their councillors in a few days. Let us do it in the spirit of prayer.
May we all have a wonderful and fruitful Lenten season. I would like to use an excerpt from Pope Francis’s Lenten message which is titled as “the Word is a gift, other persons are a gift”.
“Lent is a new beginning, a path leading to the certain goal of Easter, Christ’s victory over death. This season urgently calls us to conversion. Even when we sin, he patiently awaits our return; by that patient expectation, he shows us his readiness to forgive.
Lent is the favorable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in his word, in the sacraments and in our neighbor. The Lord, who overcame the deceptions of the Tempter during the forty days in the desert, shows us the path we must take. May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need. Let us pray for one another so that, by sharing in the victory of Christ, we may open our doors to the weak and poor. Then we will be able to experience and share to the full the joy of Easter”.
Happy Lent!
Congratulations Soney. Wish you all the best.