On Wednesday January 15th the Founders day and the province Christmas celebration took place at Divine Word Residence, Riverside. Many of the confreres gathered together for the Eucharistic celebration to mark the occasion. The Mass was presided by Soney Sebastian the Provincial. Sharing on the prologue of the Gospel of John he spoke about the abundant love of God the Father has for the whole of creation and how he expresses it though Jesus his son. This unconditional love of the Father expressed through the Son became the source for our Founder. It shall become the inspiration and guiding principle for us to find new meaning in our ministries even while things do not go as we plan. It is this love that led our Founder to establish our Society against all odds, insecurities and uncertainties. This should lead us to have total commitment to our mission, ministry and complete dedication to the goals and priorities of our Society. We need to pray so that we are able to renew this commitment constantly and recommit ourselves to this great mission. He made special references to the specialized ministries of the province like the Bible Apostolate by Ministerio Biblico Verbo Divino, the charitable ministry by Vietnamese Charitable Association and the media ministry by Wordnet Productions. These are our special contribution to the local church.
The Mass was followed by a wonderful dinner and the traditional gift exchange. Everyone enjoyed as they shared and gifts. Every year it is a wonderful occasion to gather as one family of the province and experience the fellowship and togetherness of each other.