In the recent months we have been looking into the possibility of accepting another parish from the Diocese of San Bernardino. The bishop made a few offers. In the last two council meetings we discussed them and have accepted St. Catherine of Sienna Parish, Rialto. We would assume the responsibility of this parish from July 2017. A letter from Bishop Barnes was read at all the Masses at St. Catherine of Sienna during the weekend January 22-23 to inform about the change and transition. This will be our 8th parish in the Diocese of San Bernardino. There are seven Masses on a weekend with three in Spanish and four in English.
We have accepted it as we will need place for our new members and the ones attending the Spanish program presently. In the coming months the Council will discuss about the personnel arrangements.
New Parish in San Bernardino Diocese

Please update the pictures,personnel,dimensions, administrations of the Western Province. Thank you very much..