Arm in Arm with the Spirit

This month’s Newsletter is dedicated to our Characteristic Dimensions, our four directions in ministry. They offer the guidelines and directives for our mission—God’s mission—which is enlivened by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit both enlivens and unites us to walk, and sometimes run, arm in arm with the Spirit. Chief among these four dimensions, and at […]

Synod Listening at Wordnet

What is the Synodality? — It is a process of coming together, walking together, listening to one another, and discerning the path along which the Holy Spirit is leading us. On Wednesday May 11th the young adult Synod listening session led by Bishop Alberto Rojas, Bishop of San Bernardino Diocese was live streamed from Wordnet. […]

Prepare to be Surprised

We missionaries go to foreign lands or wherever there are people who need to hear the word of God. The distinguished Nigerian professor, Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, SJ, likens the process to Theology Brewed in an African Pot. We put the Word in the pot and stir in the special spices and herbs that make it sweet. […]