A mighty Tree has fallen

On Monday, October 26, the first Santa Anna wind of the season hit the Inland Empire broadside with hurricane force. The good news—clear skies and tremendous views of the mountains. The bad news—power outages, dust, and flying debris, but worst of all, the sudden death of the stalwart 100 year-old “stone pine,” or “umbrella pine,” […]

USW got Green

Green, green, green! The Pope has been talking about the need to get our house in order since Laudato Si. But what have we in the USW been doing? I’m sad to say, but up until a short time ago, not much! Great things begin with small steps. First, Fr Paul Schmidt got himself a […]

Eucharist moves out of the Church

With the rise in Coronavirus cases and recent lockdown of all the public worship places parish Eucharists have been moved from the Church to open air celebrations. As Coronavirus cases began to increase, California Governor ordered a second closure of all the public places including churches. This order prohibits indoor gatherings. So the dioceses have […]

Reasons to Believe Season 2 Started

The Reasons to Believe season 2 started on Friday (14th) with the live streaming of the first episode. The program is presented by Matthew Petrusek, Phd and is live streamed from Wordnet on our YouTube and Facebook channel. The program includes a half hour presentation by Matthew followed by questions and answers. The audience can […]

Streaming of Wednesday Mass

Wordnet has begun streaming of Mass on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. right from the studio. During the Mass we remember and keep the intensions of all our donors and contributors. We also remember other intensions that have been sent to us. We welcome intensions and prayer requests that we can bring to the altar of […]

June Taping at Wordnet Productions

After a gap of three months due to the Covid-19 situation Wordnet Productions had its taping of interviews on 25th June. Wordnet fulfilled the requirements of wearing a face covering and social distancing while taping by the crew members and staff. The highlight of the taping was the new set. During the lock down period […]